Lisfinity Profiles

Guide on how to use Lisfinity Profiles shortcode

With this shortcode, you can display Business Profiles of the registered authors anywhere on the site. Once you're done with that the shortcode will be displayed like in the screenshot below.

Let's see the available settings for the shortcode.

Number of Profiles to Show - With this option, you can limit the number of profiles that will be displayed in the shortcode.

Handpick posts - With this option, you can manually choose the profiles that you wish to display in the shortcode.

Posts Order - Choose the ordering of the posts between Ascending and Descending.

Posts Sorting - Choose the way the posts will be sorted between Date or Name.

Profile's Type Style - choose the style type between Style 1 and Style 2, set the number of columns, and columns gap.

Template Box Style - complete the look of the box adding box-shadow, border-radius, and changing the background color.

Profile Footer and Profile Header Style - depending on the style you choose (Style 1 or Style 2), you will see the Footer or Header Style section. There you can change the style of the author's information and rating icon. Set the colors, position, and size of the elements.

Title and Text Sections - change the typography, alignment, color of the title, and its padding and margin value.

Last updated