Lisfinity Price Packages

Guide on how to use Lisfinity Price Packages shortcode

With this shortcode, you can display pricing packages that you have created anywhere on the site. Once you're done they will be displayed in a way similar to the below screenshot.

Let's go over the options available for this shortcode and see how you can create something similar for your installation.

Fist of all you need to make sure that you have at least one package created. In order to find out how to do just that please see Lisfinity Price Packages.

Number of packages to show - This option allows you to set the limit to the number of the price packages that can be displayed in the shortcode.

Products Order - Choose the order of the price packages between Ascending or Descending

Products Sorting - Choose the way the pricing packages are being sorted between Price, Date, and Name.

Handpick Price Packages - With this option, you can manually pick and choose the pricing packages that you wish to display to a user.

Packages Style - change the typography, alignment, color of the title, price, content, and button, and its padding and margin values of the standard.

Recommended Packages Style - change the typography, alignment, color of the title, price, content, and button, and its padding and margin values of the recommended package.

Footnotes Style - change the color and the size of the footnote and footnote's icon.

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