Home Page

Guide on how to set up and use search builder for displaying on the homepagefa

On the home page tab of the search builder you will be able to set up the search form that will be displayed in the main banner of your WordPress site.

You can choose to include keyword search, taxonomy and/or meta fields.

Each of those options will have its own set of settings that you can choose from and while taxonomy and meta fields have the same set of settings that are used everywhere they are available for use, keyword search can only be configured on the homepage tab.

Only Common group taxonomy and meta fields can be set up from the Home Page tab.

The most important thing to remember here is that only taxonomies that are created in the Common group of the Fields Builder are available to be chosen here. That is because this is considered as the main search for the site and it wouldn't be good to be able to search only for a certain taxonomy that is not available for each category of the site. Let's explain the logic behind this by an example.

If you have a classifieds site that is selling Cars, Toys, Real Estates and many more product categories and you set that on the homepage users are only available to search for the Car Models you will be greatly limiting the exposure of all the other products that your site has to offer. That's why making available common taxonomies (taxonomies that are used by all or by the most products on the site like country or city for example) for search within the home page search form will be the logical thing to do as the customers usually will want to shorten the results by their own city.

Please click on the following links in order to find out how to use each of them in the detail.

Keyword Search Options

Taxonomies and Meta Fields Search Options

Last updated