Posting Ads (Vendor)

Guide for creating and posting ads as a site administrator and as a vendor.

Posting ad as a site user

In order to submit an ad as a user of the site a registration is required. Once the user is successfully registered and possibly verified submitting ads would become available.

Only registered users can submit ads

An ad is being submitted to the site through the user dashboard. The user can do it by cilcking on the Submit Ad in the header or by clicking on Submit New Ad in the dashboard.

If the payment packages are enabled on the site then the user will be prompted to buy one before submitting a new ad. To find out how you can create a new packages please read Payment Packages.

You can disable payment packages completely from the site if you go to the theme options by following the path: Lisfinity Settings -> Lisfnity Settings.

The ad submission form consists of the 6 steps that need be filled out by the vendor in order to successfully submit the form. The last, 6th step is used for purchasing ad promotions. It will only be loaded if the promotions are enabled on the site and there are promotions created.

To find out how you can create promotions please read Promotions. You can, also, disable promotions from the site completely by going to: Lisfinity Settings -> Lisfinity Settings.

To see how to submit an ad as a user of the site and to find out more about available options and customisations please watch the video tutorial below.

Last updated