Lisfinity Button

Guide on how to use Lisfinity Button shortcode

In the Lisfinity Button Shortcode, you can place an icon and link, and style the button as you want.

In the Default tab in the Content section, you could place the link and icon as default values.

If you want a button that will have a different link and icon for the logged in users, you could simply switch the switcher in the Logged In tab in the Content section. Settings fields will appear.

The icon and link that you choose in the Default tab will appear as the default unless you choose different ones for the logged in users in Logged In tab.

In the tab Default in the section Style, there are all styles for the default button. You can play around and easily get a nice looking button. You can change typography, color, background color, border, padding, hover animation, the position of the button, etc.

In the Hover section, you can change the color of the text and background color of the button on hover.

In the tab Logged In in the section Style, there are all styles for the button that will appear if users are logged in. You can change typography, color, background color, border, padding, hover animation, the position of the button, etc.

In the Hover section, you can change the color of the text and background color of the button on hover.

Fields for the styling button for logged in users, in the Logged In tab in the Style section will appear only if the Use different Link switcher is switched to show in the Logged In tab in the Content section.

Last updated