Register Form

Guide on how to use Lisfinity Register Form shortcode

Lisfinity Register Form shortcode, once it has been set up will be displayed on your site similar to the screenshot below.

Let's go over each option that is available in the shortcode.‌

Form Fields - in the Content Section -> Form Fields choose the fields you want to display in your form. You can change icons and icon styles for each field.

Form Wrapper - in the Style Section -> Form Wrapper set the background color, padding, margin, border, and box-shadow of the form wrapper.

Form Fields Labels - in the Style Section -> Form Fields Labels set the padding, margin, typography, and the position of the field label.

Input Fields - in the Style Section -> Input Fields set the background color, padding, margin, border, and typography of the input fields.

Checkbox Fields - in the Style Section -> Checkbox Fields set the structures options, padding, typography, background colors (active and default), box-shadow, and the border (active and default) of the input fields.

Submit Button - in the Style Section -> Submit Button you can change the width, position, margin, and, padding of the button, then you can set different icon and icon styles, different button text, and button styles - background color, border, box-shadow, and typography (hover and default).

Have Account - in the Style Section -> Have Account you can change the background color, padding, margin, and position. Change the text and the text typography or use different link text.

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