Keyword Search Options

Guide on how to set up and manage keyword search options

Keyword search can only be set up from the Home Page tab. Once you're there you will find that there are quite a few option that can affect how the keyword search will work. Let's go over each one of them.

First three options in the builder are the ones that will define where the system will lookup for the keyword provided by the user. Available options are: Titles, Descriptions, ID's

There is also options that enables us to if we wish to display dropdown with visible suggestions to a user or to lead it directly to the search page.

Also, we can set up what kind of the data the search will include in the results, the simple options are Author and/or Ads and within those we can manage if the dropdown search will include only items that are promoted or every find.

Author options

Choosing only Author Premium Profiles will exclude from the results all the authors that haven't purchased Premium Profile Promotion.

Ads options

Choosing only Promoted Ads will exclude from the results all Ads that haven't purchased Keyword Promotion Package.

Field groups options

The last of the options that we can set up to include within the results are fields groups. Those are essentially main categories of the site that you created using Field Builder. Once you enable it you will have an option to choose only specific categories to include in the search.

Enabling this option will allow a user performing the query to shorten the search within selected category if the keyword has been found in it.

In order to fully grasp all available options please watch the video tutorial that we've prepared for you.

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