Craftsman Administration

Craftsman administration is reserved for registered users that have set their account to role Craftsman.

Their profile page consists of few parts:

  1. Dashboard

  2. Profile Settings / ( User Settings in wp admin area )

  3. Business Settings / ( Craftsman Post Type in wp admin area )

  4. Jobs

There are two ways to keep track of this things that are dependable if you are logged in to site as Craftsman user or Administrator.

If you are logged in to site as Craftsman you will be able to access profile page and manage account directly from frontend. On the other hand if you are logged in as Administrator you would only be able to manage those things through WordPress Admin dashboard.

Find out more about craftsmen frontend administration: Craftsman Frontend Administration

Find out more about craftsmen backend administration: Craftsman Backend Administration

Why can't I access profile page?

If this happens to you than most likely the case is that you have unintentionally missed something of importance. Please carefully check for below things.

Last updated